cats per household

The average number of cats owned per household.

Used to calculate:cats

Varies by: lifestyle

Used lifestyle Reference Location: Ecosystem
(study period)
Value Units Notes
* Average American AVMA 2007 Pet ownership US: All (2007) 0.7128 cats / household This value is the average number of cats per cat-owning household multiplied by the percent of households owning cats.
* Average Earthling AVMA 2007 Pet ownership US: All (2007) 0.7128 cats / household Due to a lack of worldwide cat ownership data, we have assumed the same value of cats per household for the average earthling as for the average American. This value is the average number of cats per cat-owning household multiplied by the percent of households owning cats.
* Average New Yorker Zawistowski 2003 Dogs and Cats in NYC and Long Island New York County (Manhattan): Households (2003) 0.598 cats / household
* Eco-conscious Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 cats / household We assumed that this lifestyle would not have any cats.
* Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 cats / household The Lenape did not have cats.

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