hours of daylight

The number of hours per day that the sun shines on a given area.

Used to calculate:

Varies by: month and climate

Used month climate Reference Location: Ecosystem
(study period)
Value Units Notes
* June Baseline Climate (1970-2010) US Naval Observatory 2012 Duration of Daylight for New York NY New York City: All (2012) 14.59 hours / day This value is the average of recorded hours of day light in New York City for each day of June 2012.
* June Future Climate in 2020s US Naval Observatory 2012 Duration of Daylight for New York NY New York City: All (2012) 14.59 hours / day This value is the average of recorded hours of day light in New York City for each day of June 2012.
* June Future Climate in 2050s US Naval Observatory 2012 Duration of Daylight for New York NY New York City: All (2012) 14.59 hours / day This value is the average of recorded hours of day light in New York City for each day of June 2012.
* June Future Climate in 2080s US Naval Observatory 2012 Duration of Daylight for New York NY New York City: All (2012) 14.59 hours / day This value is the average of recorded hours of day light in New York City for each day of June 2012.
* June Future Climate in 2100s US Naval Observatory 2012 Duration of Daylight for New York NY New York City: All (2012) 14.59 hours / day This value is the average of recorded hours of day light in New York City for each day of June 2012.
* June Past Climate in 1609 US Naval Observatory 2012 Duration of Daylight for New York NY New York City: All (2012) 14.59 hours / day This value is the average of recorded hours of day light in New York City for each day of June 2012.

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