use water consumption rate density

The amount of water used per unit area per day.

Used to calculate:

Varies by: use and lifestyle

Used use lifestyle Reference Location: Ecosystem
(study period)
Value Units Notes
* Agricultural use Average American USDA 2010- Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey US: rural (2003-2008) 541218.147 gallons / acre / year This value refers to the water used for irrigation in agricultural uses.
* Agricultural use Average Earthling USDA 2010- Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey US: rural (2003-2008) 541218.147 gallons / acre / year Due to a lack of water consumption data, we have assumed the same use water consumption rate density for Average Earthling as that of the United States for this use. This value refers to the water used for irrigation in agricultural uses.
* Agricultural use Average New Yorker USDA 2010- Farm and Ranch Irrigation Survey US: rural (2003-2008) 541218.147 gallons / acre / year We assumed the same value as an average American. This value refers to the water used for irrigation in agricultural uses.
Agricultural use Average New Yorker Suffolk County 2015 Healthy Lawns, Clean Water Suffolk, Co. New York: Lawn () 0.23 inches of water / week Suffolk County (NY) recommends 1" of water on lawns per week. Assuming an annual rainfall of 42 inches per year, an estimate of 12 inches per year is required, or about 0.23 inches per week.
* Agricultural use Eco-conscious Hobbs 2006. Conservation Agriculture Global: no-till farming systems () 368028.33996 gallons / acre / year Based on no-till agriculture, 32% water saved. .32(541218.147000) = 173189.80704 less than average American.
* Agricultural use Lenape Person Sanderson 2009 Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City Manhattan: Mannahatta () 0 gallons / day / m2 Lenape horticulture was rainfed.
Agricultural use Lenape Person IWMI 2007. Assessment of Water Management in Agriculture global: rainfed agricultural systems () 622470 gallons / acre / year Based on assumption that Lenape people used nonirrigated, rainfed agriculture. Global average of 4950 km^3 / year of rainfall used in rainfed agriculture, over an area of 850 million hectares. Calculated using density of water = 1000 kg per cubic meter.
* Factory / industrial use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography US: All (2000) 37942 gallons per connection per day This value refers to the daily use water consumption rate density of meat-packing plants.
Factory / industrial use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography US: All (2000) 136288 gallons per connection per day This value refers to the daily use water consumption rate density of petroleum refining.
Factory / industrial use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography US: All (2000) 1088 gallons per connection per day This value refers to the daily use water consumption rate density of beef cattle feedlots.
Factory / industrial use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography US: All (2000) 666182 gallons per connection per day This value refers to the daily use water consumption rate density of pulp mills.
* Factory / industrial use Average Earthling Pacific Institute 2010- The World's Water global: all (1960-1995) 0.072568 gallons per day / square foot This value refers to an average of water drawn for industrial purposes per capita based on data from 163 countries. We converted gallons of water / person / day to gallons per day / square foot by multiplying by the worker density of a factory (Fuller 2005) and converting to ft2.
* Factory / industrial use Average New Yorker NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 28.87 gallons per day / square foot This value refers to the use water consumption rate in a warehouse in the Garment District in Manhattan.
* Factory / industrial use Eco-conscious NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 28.87 gallons per day / square foot This value refers to the use water consumption rate density of a warehouse in the Garment District in Manhattan. We assume the same use water consumption rate as the average New Yorker for this use.
* Factory / industrial use Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 gallons / day / m2
* Garage / storage use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 1931 gallons per connection per day
* Garage / storage use Average Earthling Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 1931 gallons per connection per day Due to a lack of global water consumption data, we have assumed the same use water consumption rate density for Average Earthling as that of the United States for this use.
* Garage / storage use Average New Yorker NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 0.53 gallons per day / square foot
Garage / storage use Average New Yorker NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 3.36 gallons per day / square foot
* Garage / storage use Eco-conscious NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 3.36 gallons per day / square foot This value refers to the use water consumption rate density for a storage facility in Manhattan. We assume the same use water consumption rate density as that of the average New Yorker.
* Garage / storage use Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 gallons / day / m2
* Hotel use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 43401 gallons per connection per day
* Hotel use Average Earthling Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 43401 gallons per connection per day Due to the lack of global water consumption rate data, we have assumed the same consumption rate as that of the average American.
* Hotel use Average New Yorker NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 4.696986 gallons / day / m2 This value was calculated under the assumption that the average hotel room size in New York City is 275 square feet.
* Hotel use Eco-conscious NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 4.696986 gallons / day / m2 We assume the same use water consumption rate density as that of the average New Yorker. This value was calculated under the assumption that the average hotel room size in New York City is 275 square feet.
* Hotel use Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 gallons / day / m2
* Hunter / gatherer use Average American Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 gallons / day / m2 "Hunter/gatherer use" for the average American lifestyle should be considered passive recreational use. Such water use is negligible.
* Hunter / gatherer use Average Earthling Gleick 1996 Basic Water Needs Global: Residences (1996) 0.000209 gallons per day / square foot This is the recommended minimum requirement of drinking water per person per day. We converted liters per day per person to gallons per day / square foot by multiplying by the worker density of hunter / gatherer use for average earthling (Gowdy 1998) and converting liters to gallons.
* Hunter / gatherer use Average New Yorker Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 gallons per day / square foot "Hunter/gatherer use" for the average New Yorker lifestyle should be considered passive recreational use. Such water use is negligible.
* Hunter / gatherer use Eco-conscious Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 gallons per day / square foot "Hunter/gatherer use" for the eco-Hipster lifestyle should be considered passive recreational use. Such water use is negligible.
* Hunter / gatherer use Lenape Person Gleick 1996 Basic Water Needs Global: Residences (1996) 0.003033 gallons per day / square foot This is the recommended minimum requirement of drinking water per person per day. We converted from liters per day per person to gallons per day / square foot by using the worker density of hunter / gatherer Lenape (Fletcher 1995) and converting liters to gallons.
* Office use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 3289 gallons per connection per day
* Office use Average Earthling Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 3289 gallons per connection per day Due to a lack of global water consumption data, we have assumed the same use water consumption rate density for Average Earthling as that of the United States for this use.
* Office use Average New Yorker NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.1 gallons per day / square foot
Office use Average New Yorker NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.17 gallons per day / square foot This value refers to the amount of water used by air conditioners in offices.
* Office use Eco-conscious NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.1 gallons per day / square foot
Office use Eco-conscious NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.17 gallons per day / square foot This value refers to the amount of water used by air conditioners in offices.
* Office use Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 gallons / day / m2
* Public assembly use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 5919 gallons per connection per day
* Public assembly use Average Earthling Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 5919 gallons per connection per day Due to a lack of global water consumption data, we have assumed the same use water consumption rate density for Average Earthling as that of the United States for this use.
* Public assembly use Average New Yorker NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 46.63 gallons per day / square foot This value represents the average water consumption rate density of a movie theater in Brooklyn.
Public assembly use Average New Yorker NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 210.65 gallons per day / square foot This value represents the average water consumption rate density of a movie theater in Queens.
* Public assembly use Eco-conscious NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 46.63 gallons per day / square foot This value represents the average water consumption rate density of a movie theater in Brooklyn. We assume the same use water consumption density as that of an average New Yorker.
Public assembly use Eco-conscious NYC Department of Finance 2012- Non-Residential Disclosure List New York City: urban landscape (2012) 210.65 gallons per day / square foot This value represents the average water consumption rate density of a movie theater in Queens. We assume the same use water consumption density as that of an average New Yorker.
* Public assembly use Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 gallons per day / square foot
* Residential use Average American Hoekstra & Chapagain 2007 Water footprints of nations USA: Nationwide (1997 - 2001) 0.169287 gallons per day / square foot We converted gallons of water/person/day to gallons per day / square foot by using the average American household size and the average square foot of a single family house hold in 2010 (both from the Census Bureau).
* Residential use Average Earthling Hoekstra & Chapagain 2007 Water footprints of nations USA: Nationwide (1997 - 2001) 0.169287 gallons per day / square foot Due to a lack of global water consumption data, we have assumed the same use water consumption rate density for Average Earthling as that of the United States for this use. We converted gallons of water/person/day to gallons per day / square foot by using the average American household size and the average square foot of a single family house hold in 2010 (both from the Census Bureau).
* Residential use Average New Yorker NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.342667 gallons per day / square foot We converted gallons of water / person / day to gallons per day / square foot by multiplying by average household size of New York City (from the Census Bureau) and dividing by 750 sq feet (average square footage of a single bedroom apartment in NYC).
* Residential use Eco-conscious NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.342667 gallons per day / square foot We converted gallons of water / person / day to gallons per day / square foot by multiplying by average household size of New York City (from the Census Bureau) and dividing by 750 sq feet (average square footage of a single bedroom apartment in NYC).
* Residential use Lenape Person Gleick 1996 Basic Water Needs Global: Residences (1996) 0.000302 gallons per day / square foot This is the recommended minimum requirement of drinking water per person per day. We converted from liters per day per person to gallons per day / square foot by using the residential density of Lenape (Fletcher 1995) and converting liters to gallons.
* Restaurant use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 4480 gallons per connection per day
* Restaurant use Average Earthling Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 4480 gallons per connection per day Due to a lack of global water consumption data, we have assumed the same use water consumption rate density for Average Earthling as that of the United States for this use.
* Restaurant use Average New Yorker Report No. 3 (R3) Generation of a U.S. Commodity Flows Matrix Using Log-Linear Modeling and Iterative Proportional Fitting (Freight Analysis Framework) - FHWA Freight Management and Operations US: All (2002) 4480 gallons per connection per day Assume that Average New Yorker is same as Average American.
* Restaurant use Eco-conscious Report No. 3 (R3) Generation of a U.S. Commodity Flows Matrix Using Log-Linear Modeling and Iterative Proportional Fitting (Freight Analysis Framework) - FHWA Freight Management and Operations US: All (2002) 4480 gallons per connection per day Assume that No Impact man is same as Average New Yorker.
* Restaurant use Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 gallons / day / m2
* Retail use Average American Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography Northeast, USA: All (2000) 2437 gallons per connection per day
* Retail use Average Earthling Whitehead et al. 2007 Water data report: annotated bibliography US: All (2000) 2437 gallons per connection per day Due to a lack of global water consumption data, we have assumed the same use water consumption rate density for Average Earthling as that of the United States for this use.
* Retail use Average New Yorker NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.17 gallons per day / square foot This value refers to the amount of water used by air conditioning units in retail locations.
Retail use Average New Yorker NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.24 gallons per day / square foot
* Retail use Eco-conscious NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.17 gallons per day / square foot This value refers to the amount of water used by air conditioners in retail locations.
Retail use Eco-conscious NYC 2010 CEQR Technical Manual New York City: New York City (2010) 0.24 gallons per day / square foot
* Retail use Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 gallons / day / m2
* Transportation use Average American Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 gallons per day / square foot Water consumption as a result of transportation is considered to be negligible.
* Transportation use Average Earthling Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 gallons per day / square foot Water consumption as a result of transportation is considered to be negligible.
* Transportation use Average New Yorker Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 gallons per day / square foot Water consumption as a result of transportation is considered to be negligible.
* Transportation use Eco-conscious Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 gallons per day / square foot Water consumption as a result of transportation is considered to be negligible.
* Transportation use Lenape Person Assumed New York City: Mannahatta () 0 gallons per day / square foot

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