plant biomass density

The amount of living plant biomass per unit area.

Used to calculate:plant biomass

Varies by: ecosystem

Used ecosystem Reference Location: Ecosystem
(study period)
Value Units Notes
* Agricultural field / vegetable garden Barbour et al. 1987 Terrestrial Plant Ecology Global: Cultivated land () 1 kg / m2 This is the mean value of biomass (dry matter) in cultivated land.
* Airfield Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Airport terminal Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Alley Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Apartment building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Beach Barbour & Robichaux 1976 Beach Phytomass along the California Coast "Meke" California (latitude 39 degrees 30 minutes): Beach (1973-1974) 121 g / m2
Beach Barbour & Robichaux 1976 Beach Phytomass along the California Coast "Gldb" California (latitude 41 deg 19 min): Beach (1973-1974) 93 g / m2
Beach Barbour & Robichaux 1976 Beach Phytomass along the California Coast "Reye" California (latitude 38 degrees 0 minutes): Beach (1973-1974) 209 g / m2
* Bike lane Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Bioswale Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 g / m2
* Boulevard (arterial) Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Bridge Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Camp Robinson & Lundholm 2012 Ecosystem services provided by urban spontaneous vegetation Halifax Regional Municipality, Canada: Lawn (2007) 1564.1 g / m2 We assumed the same plant biomass density as lawns. This value represents aboveground biomass.
* Cemetery Robinson & Lundholm 2012 Ecosystem services provided by urban spontaneous vegetation Halifax Regional Municipality, Canada: Lawn (2007) 1564.1 g / m2 We assume the same plant biomass density as that of a lawn. This value refers to aboveground biomass.
* Cistern / rain barrels Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Cliffs and rock outcrops de Gruchy et al. 2005 Biomass, productivity, and dominance... Bruce Peninsula National Park Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario, Canada: Carbonate open cliff (June - September 1999) 121 g / m2
Cliffs and rock outcrops de Gruchy et al. 2005 Biomass, productivity, and dominance... Bruce Peninsula National Park Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario, Canada: Carbonate treed cliff (June - September 1999) 4689 g / m2
* Cogeneration plant Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Compost bin Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 g / m2
* Computer data center Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Cottages / Mobile home Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Deep water estuary Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 g / m2 Deep water (> 5 m depth) is too deep for plants to root.
* Derelict structures Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 g / m2
* Diesel power plant Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Disturbed Land Carson & Peterson 1990 Role of litter in an old-field... Hutcheson Memorial Forest, New Brunswick, New Jersey: Solidago-dominated old field (1985-1986) 156 g / 0.25 m2 Measured in September (control plots)
Disturbed Land Robinson & Lundholm 2012 Ecosystem services provided by urban spontaneous vegetation Halifax Regional Municipality, Canada: Spontaneous urban vegetation (2007) 342.6 g / m2 aboveground biomass
* Eelgrass meadow Nelson & Waaland 1997 Seasonality of eelgrass, epiphyte, and grazer biomass.... San Juan Islands, Washington: Eelgrass meadows (July 1990 - July 1992) 256.3 g / m2 mean eelgrass biomass (excluding epiphytes)
Eelgrass meadow Nelson & Waaland 1997 Seasonality of eelgrass, epiphyte, and grazer biomass.... San Juan Islands, Washington: Eelgrass meadows (July 1990 - July 1992) 445 g / m2 dry weight; measured in summer; 90% confidence interval = +/-78.2 g/m2
* Elevated train Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Estuary Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 g / m2 Plant biomass density excluding eelgrass meadows (which are treated as a modifier to estuary ecosystems). Other forms of submerged aquatic vegetation are assumed to be negligible.
* Factory Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Freshwater marsh Flemer et al. 1978 Standing crops of marsh vegetation of two tributaries of Chesapeake Bay Patuexent River, Maryland: Freshwater and brackish marshes (1973) 1092 g / m2 average value across several sites and seasons
Freshwater marsh de Gruchy et al. 2005 Biomass, productivity, and dominance... Bruce Peninsula National Park Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario, Canada: Cattail marsh (June - September 1999) 170 g / m2
Freshwater marsh de Gruchy et al. 2005 Biomass, productivity, and dominance... Bruce Peninsula National Park Bruce Peninsula National Park, Ontario, Canada: Meadow marsh (June - September 1999) 807 g / m2
* Fuel storage tank Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Garage Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Gas station Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Geothermal pump Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Graywater recycling Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Greenhouse / vertical farm Barbour et al. 1987 Terrestrial Plant Ecology Global: Cultivated land () 1 kg / m2 We assume the same dry mass value as that of cultivated, agricultural land.
* Green roof Getter et al. 2009 Carbon sequestration potential of extensive green roofs Mean of eight green roofs in Michigan and Maryland: green roof () 162 g / m2 aboveground biomass
Green roof Getter et al. 2009 Carbon sequestration potential of extensive green roofs Ford Motor Company (FORD), Rouge Plant, Dearborn, MI: Green roof (September 2006) 196 g / m2 aboveground biomass
Green roof Getter et al. 2009 Carbon sequestration potential of extensive green roofs Severn (SEV) Savings Bank Headquarters, Annapolis, MD: Green roof (2006) 112 g / m2 aboveground biomass
* Hardwood swamp Ehrenfeld & Gulick 1981 Structure and dynamics of hardwood swamps in the New Jersey Pine Barrens:... Clark Branch at Pestledon Road., Waterford Township, NJ: Hardwood swamp (late 1970s) 91637 kg / ha
Hardwood swamp Brinson 1981 et al - Primary Productivity ... in Freshwater Wetlands - Review New York: Alder shrub () 979 g / m2 aboveground biomass in grams of dry weight
Hardwood swamp Ehrenfeld & Gulick 1981 Structure and dynamics of hardwood swamps in the New Jersey Pine Barrens:... Muskingum Brook at Route 206; Tabernacle Township, NJ: Hardwood swamp (late 1970s) 131195 kg / ha Total standing biomass [aboveground biomass]
* Heavy rail line Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Hemlock – northern hardwood forest Smith & Heath 2006 Land use change and forestry annex to US Greenhouse Gas Inventory Northeastern USA: White/Red/Jack Pine Forest () 110.9 Mg / ha Sum of above and belowground biomass
Hemlock – northern hardwood forest Fisher & Likens 1973 - Energy Flow in Bear Brook, New Hampshire: An Integrative Approach to Stream Ecosystem Metabolism Bear Brook, NH: Mature hardwood forest (1968-1970) 12006 g / m2
* High salt marsh Long, Mason 1983 - Saltmarsh Ecology Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Salt marsh () 209 g / m2
* Highway Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Hospital Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Hotel Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Landfill Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Lawn Robinson & Lundholm 2012 Ecosystem services provided by urban spontaneous vegetation Halifax Regional Municipality, Canada: Lawn (2007) 1564.1 g / m2 aboveground biomass
Lawn Dorney et al. 1984 Composition and structure of an urban woody plant community Shorewood, WI: Suburbia (Spring 1980) 0.87 metric tons / ha
* Light rail line Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Low salt marsh Long, Mason 1983 - Saltmarsh Ecology Massachusetts, U.S.A.: Salt marsh () 209 g / m2
* Meadow Barbour et al. 1987 Terrestrial Plant Ecology Global: Temperate grassland () 1.6 kg / m2 This is the mean value of biomass in temperate grassland.
* Mixed use: office / residential building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 g / m2
* Mixed use: restaurant / office building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Mixed use: restaurant / residential building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Mixed use: restaurant / retail building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Mixed use: retail / office building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Mixed use: retail / residential building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Natural gas power plant Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Oak hickory forest Smith & Heath 2006 Land use change and forestry annex to US Greenhouse Gas Inventory Northeastern USA: Oak/Hickory Forest () 92.3 Mg / ha Sum of above and belowground biomass
Oak hickory forest Monk et. al. 1970 - Biomass, Litter and Leaf Surface Area Estimates of an Oak-Hickory Forest Global: Oak-hickory forest () 14554.4 g / m2 This value includes the weight of the canopy, understory, shrub, and herb.
* Office building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Orchard Aspinwall et al. 2011. Genetic effects on stand-level uniformity and above- and belowground dry mass production in juvenile loblolly pine. Southern US: Orchard () 6463 kg / ha Average of high and low density treatments' most and least productive yields.
* Ornamental garden Dorney et al. 1984 Composition and structure of an urban woody plant community Shorewood, WI: Suburbia (Spring 1980) 64.48 metric tons / ha 97% of plant biomass is trees
Ornamental garden Jensen 1993- Soil conditions, vegetation structure and biomass of a Javanese homegarden Legokole, West Java, Indonesia: ornamental garden () 11.0677 kg / m2 This value refers to living aboveground plant biomass density.
Ornamental garden Kumar 2011 Species richness and aboveground carbon stocks in homegardens of central Kerala, India Kerala, India: Home gardens (September 2004 to November 2006) 24.32 Mg / ha Mg C / ha
* Parking lot Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Park savanna The Wood Database 2015 London plane Global: park savanna (2015) 560 kg / m2
* Paved ball field/court Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Pedestrian bridge Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Pedestrian street / plaza Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Permeable pavers Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Photovoltaic panels Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Pier Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Pond Westlake 1963 Comparison of Plant Productivity Lake Erken, Sweden: Eutrophic lake (1954) 0.125 kg / m2 seasonal maximum biomass, includes diatoms
* Public assembly hall Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Restaurant Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Retail building Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* School or university Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Sewage treatment plant Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Shrub land Barbour et al. 1987 Terrestrial Plant Ecology Global: Woodland and shrubland () 6 kg / m2 This is the mean value of biomass (dry matter) of woodland and shrubland.
* Sidewalk Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Single family home Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Solar energy facility Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Solar heating panels Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Solid waste transfer plant Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Stadium Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Stream Fisher & Likens 1973 - Energy Flow in Bear Brook, New Hampshire: An Integrative Approach to Stream Ecosystem Metabolism Bear Brook, NH: Stream (1968-1970) 0.02 kg / m2 This is the mean value of biomass (dry matter) of lakes and streams.
* Streetcar line Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Street (collector) Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Street trees Nowak et al. 2007 New York City's Urban Forest New York City: Urban forest (1996) 6.8 short tons C per acre carbon storage per acre
* Subway Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Swimming pool Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 g / m2
* Tidal energy facility Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Traffic slowed street Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Trail Lorente et al. 2012. Soil and plant legacies associated with harvest trails in boreal black spruce forests Quebec: Trail () 49.17 g / m2 Sum of average biomass of understory shrubs (Kalmia, Rhododendron, Vaccinium) for scarified trails.
* Tunnel Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Utility yard Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Warehouse Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Waste energy power plant Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Water treatment plant Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Water/wastewater storage tank Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2
* Wind farm Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 0 kg / m2

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