residential density

The average area per person in residences.

Used to calculate:residents

Varies by: lifestyle

Used lifestyle Reference Location: Ecosystem
(study period)
Value Units Notes
* Average American King and Roberts 2012 Manhattan's Population Density, Past and Present Los Angeles: Residences (2010) 1 persons / 5000 ft2
Average American Sanderson 2013 Terra Nova: The New World After Oil, Cars, and Suburbs USA: US Towns and Cities () 2500 persons / sq mile typical density of an American suburb
Average American U.S. Census Bureau 2000- Population, housing units, and density global: all () 79.6 persons / sq mile This value represents the average population per square mile countrywide in 2000 in the United States.
* Average Earthling United Nations 2000 Charting the Progress of Populations World: Cities (1990-1995) 0.142857 persons / m2 According to this United Nations (2000) 28% of urban dwellers worldwide have 5 - 9 square meters per person. We take the reciprocal of 7 m2/person to obtain 0.1429 persons/m2.
Average Earthling United Nations 2000 Charting the Progress of Populations Less Developed Regions: World (1990-1995) 0.142857 persons / m2 According to United Nations (2000), 35% of cities in the less developed parts of the world have 5 - 9 m2 of floor area per person. We take this to be 7 m2 / person, or taking the reciprocal, to be 0.1429 persons / m2.
Average Earthling King and Roberts 2012 Manhattan's Population Density, Past and Present Kowloon Walled City: Residences (1992) 603 persons / 5000 ft2 "the densest place on record"
Average Earthling United Nations 2000 Charting the Progress of Populations World: Cities (1990-1995) 0.083333 persons / m2 According to United Nations (2000), 24% of the world's urban population has 10 - 14 square meters per person. We take the reciprocal of 12 m2/person to obtain 0.08333 persons/m2.
Average Earthling United Nations 2000 Charting the Progress of Populations More Developed Regions: Cities (1990-1995) 0.04 persons / m2 According to United Nations (2000), 56% of cities in the more developed part of the world have over 20 square meters of floor area per person. If we take this to imply 25 m2 / person and take the reciprocal, we find 0.04 persons/m2.
Average Earthling King and Roberts 2012 Manhattan's Population Density, Past and Present Hong Kong: Residences (2001) 25 persons / 5000 ft2
Average Earthling United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs 2010 - World Population Prospects, the 2010 Revision Global: All () 50.6 persons / km2 This value represents the worldwide population density as of July 1, 2010.
* Average New Yorker City of New York Department of City Planning 2011 MapPLUTO New York: urban landscape (2003-2011) 0.020966 persons / m2 This value was calculated by dividing the population statistics given in NYC Department of City Planning Community District profiles by the residential area per community district based on MapPLUTO data. These totals were then averaged for a citywide residential density.
Average New Yorker King and Roberts 2012 Manhattan's Population Density, Past and Present Manhattan: Residences (1910) 21 persons / 5000 ft2
Average New Yorker U.S. Census Bureau 2000- Population, housing units, and density global: all () 2028.7 persons / sq mile density over all five boroughs
Average New Yorker King and Roberts 2012 Manhattan's Population Density, Past and Present New York City: Residences (2010) 5 persons / 5000 ft2
Average New Yorker King and Roberts 2012 Manhattan's Population Density, Past and Present Lower East Side: Residences (2010) 16 persons / 5000 ft2
Average New Yorker King and Roberts 2012 Manhattan's Population Density, Past and Present Manhattan: Residences (2010) 12 persons / 5000 ft2 Manhattan density
Average New Yorker King and Roberts 2012 Manhattan's Population Density, Past and Present Lower East Side: Residences (1910) 70 persons / 5000 ft2
* Eco-conscious Assumed New York City: Urban Area () 12 persons / 5000 ft2 Assumed to be the same as Average New Yorker
* Lenape Person Fletcher 1995 - The Limits of Settlement Growth: A Theoretical Outline Global: Small-scale agricultural communities () 2.296 persons / 1000 ft2 We estimated a point from the scatterplot on this page. Then we converted it from persons per acre to persons per 1000 ft2.
Lenape Person Sanderson 2009 Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City Manhattan: Mannahatta () 1 persons / km2 landscape wide density
Lenape Person Fletcher 1995 - The Limits of Settlement Growth: A Theoretical Outline Global: Small-scale agricultural communities () 0.229 persons / 1000 ft2 We estimated a point from the scatterplot on this page. Then we converted it from persons per acre to persons per 1000 ft2.

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