household size

The average number of people living together in a house or apartment.

Used to calculate:households

Varies by: lifestyle

Used lifestyle Reference Location: Ecosystem
(study period)
Value Units Notes
* Average American US Census 2011 US Census CPS Household Size Table hh6.xls US: All (1940-2011) 2.58 persons / household
* Average Earthling U.N. Statistics Division 1995- Compendium on Human Settlements Statistics 1995 global: household () 4.201235 persons / household
* Average New Yorker US Census 2011 US Census CPS Household Size Table hh6.xls US: All (1940-2011) 2.57 persons / household
* Eco-conscious U.S. Census Bureau 2011- Census Bureau Releases 2010 Census Demographic Profiles for Alaska, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Georgia, Idaho, Minnesota, Montana, New Hampshire, New York, Ohio, Puerto Rico and Wisconsin New York State: All (2010) 2.57 persons / household We estimate this value to be the same as the average New Yorker.
* Lenape Person Becker 1989- Lenape Population at the Time of European Contact: Estimating Native Numbers in the Lower Delaware Valley US: Mannahatta () 27.5 persons / household This value represents the average size of a Lenape band, which is the organizational structure that Lenape people are thought to have grouped together in.

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