About this entity


Users must choose a lifestyle. Lifestyle choices reflect how the way people live in the city influences ecosystem cycles of population, carbon, water, and biodiversity. For example, how much food a person eats, the amount of space required per person, the number of trips taken by various modes of transportation, and fuel sources consumed to generate electricity. Some of these lifestyle choices reflect personal, individualized choices; others are choices made collectively at as social groups, typically reflecting policy decisions made by governments or other large institutions (e.g. power companies, public-private ventures like the MTA, etc.).

parameter unit average New Yorker average American average earthling eco-conscious Lenape
average human biomass kg 74.6915 74.7 62 74.6915 43.4
carbohydrate consumption at home grams / day / person 135.801162 255.830381 298.458367 136.091103 124.917178
carbohydrate consumption outside home grams / day / person 113.833327 33.977472 298.458367 114.076366 124.917178
cats per household cats / household 0.598 0.7128 0.7128 0 0
days of food storage at home days 3 7 7 3 42
days of waste storage prior to pickup days 2.333333 3.5 7 2.333333 1
dogs per household dogs / household 0.534 0.6324 0.6324 0 25
fat consumption at home grams / day / person 39.196412 78.247573 84.074939 34.883538 106.595991
fat consumption outside home grams / day / person 32.855816 36.975485 84.074939 29.240613 106.595991
fiber consumption at home grams / day / person 7.991502 15.189929 12.491718 12.956743 35
fiber consumption outside home grams / day / person 6.698759 31.978798 12.491718 2.647067 35
hotel vacancy rate proportion (0-1) 0.089 0.4 0.321 0.089 0
household size persons / household 2.57 2.58 4.201235 2.57 27.5
organic proportion of liquid waste proportion (0-1) 0.000003 0.0005 0.000648 0.000003 0.0525
organic proportion of solid waste proportion (0-1) 0.389 0.622 0.33 0.389 0.99
proportion of graywater recycled proportion (0-1) 0.4 0.4 0.4 0.4 0
proportion of piped water used outdoors proportion (0-1) 0.000909 0.428446 0.08 0.000909 1
proportion of steam recycled proportion (0-1) 0 0.65 0.65 0.65 0
proportion of wastewater piped proportion (0-1) 1 0.999936 0.63 1 0
protein consumption at home grams / day / person 41.425334 78.048253 78.714289 35.427178 134.910552
protein consumption outside home grams / day / person 34.724177 33.977472 78.714289 29.696311 134.910552
residential density persons / m2 0.020966 0.002153 0.142857 0.025833 0.024714
residential solid waste generation rate kg / day / household 2.629025 3.038238 2.746015 1.314512 0.032281
residential vacancy rate proportion (0-1) 0.0312 0.0245 0.0245 0.0312 0
residential water consumption rate gallons of water / person / day 100 156.879293 41.516235 100 13.2086
steam pipe leakage proportion (0-1) 0.19 0.19 0.19 0.19 0
tourist density in hotels persons / m2 0.031538 0.031538 0.031538 0.031538 0
unemployment rate proportion (0-1) 0.0885 0.081 0.061 0.1 0
visitor solid waste generation rate kg / day / m2 0.000286 0.057439 0.043079 0.000286 0.028241
water pipe leakage proportion (0-1) 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.1 0
working days per year days 224 224 222 224 365
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